LandShark -- Powered By TriMin
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Access to, and use of, this web service is subject to the terms and conditions of the Disclaimer and all applicable laws and regulations, including laws and regulations governing copyrights and trademarks.

Limited Credit Card service for occasional users is now available.

To create a user for access click HERE

Limited search options are available with credit card use.  There is a $5 access fee plus $2 per image viewed. This service is limited to a maximum of $15 which includes the $5 access fee.  In addition, $1.50 will be charged by our credit card vendor for using a credit card.  This charge will not be listed as a charge on our statement but will show on your credit card statement.  If you need a complete search of a property by legal description you must use the LandShark subscription service as stated below. 

LandShark (Remote Access)

For more information regarding Landshark fees & agreement, please go to

Historical Tract Indexes
All historical paper tract indexes are on LandShark.   The reference ID for all tracts circa 1950 to August 15, 2003, will be Q1-Q1862, and tracts pre-1950's start with reference ID Q2000 and beyond.  Please let us know if you have any issues and we hope you enjoy the addition of these older tracts!

 Helpful links:

You may check District Court Judgments on-line at: Minnesota Judicial Branch - Minnesota Judicial Branch (

You may check property taxes and delinquent taxes on-line at: Click on the Property Tax Info link located in the Quick Links section.

Legal Search Matching Options: 
Contains: This is our broadest search option.  It will display the most search results.  No changes have been made to our Contains searches.
Contains Specific: This is our new search matching option. Contains Specific searches are less broad than Contains.  This search option does not display government lots, unless they are included in the search criteria. Contains Specific searches return any documents whose indexing data includes the search criteria entered.  No additional documents whose indexing data is blank or whose indexing data is similar will be displayed.
Exact: Exact searches are the least broad.  Search results will include only documents that have indexing information that match the search criteria EXACTLY.  For example, if a user searches for a plat name and leaves all other fields blank, the search results will ONLY include documents that are indexed to the plat name with no lots, blocks, buildings, units, and garages entered.
Any images before 4/1/1993 have NOT been verified after importing. Please check these documents carefully, any documents before 4/1/1993 may be inaccurate.  The official images are located in the Recorder’s office.

Please Log In to LandShark to access the search functions. If you do not have an account, click here to Register.

Version: 4.3.43